Sunday, February 2, 2014

Think Your Tough? Take The “Death by Pushups” Test

Screen Shot 2014 01 18 at 3.07.00 PM Think Your Tough? Take The Death by Pushups Test
Do you wonder where your strength stands against others?
There are lots of benefits to working out at home including: privacy, its cheap and convenience. However, one of the biggest downfalls with a home based workout program is that you can’t compare yourself to others.
Having friends that set “markers” for you to reach helps you push harder. It sets the stage for greater achievement. When you workout by yourself you can frequently allow yourself to take the easy way out.
Ah, that feels like I got a pretty good workout. I don’t need to finish the set.” or “My shoulder is a little tight, I think I’ll take an extra day off.” or “I feel super achy. If I take an extra day off for my body to recover I’ll gain even more strength than if I did my workout today.
We all tell ourselves lies that prevent us from doing the things we set out to do. That’s why having workout partners is key. You both create a “scale” by working out together.
Joe got 8 reps. I’m going to rock out this set and get 9.” Its healthy competition.
In today’s Mad Monday I have created a scale so you can see where you stand against others.
The exercise is push ups.

The “Death By Push Ups” Test

The below steps outline the “Death By Push Ups” Test that you’ll be taking. Before you get started let me lay the ground rules…

Death By Push Ups Rules:

1. The pace for each push up should be 1 second down and 1 second up. No blasting them out like a crazed maniac.
2. You must do full range of motion. I have pictures for you to look at below.
3. NO REST BETWEEN SETS. The only rest you get is the amount of time it takes you to write down your number. And you need to have your pencil and paper right there with you. If you rest for more than a couple seconds between sets its considered cheating.
***When taking the test you need to max out on each exercise. If you save all your energy for the last (easiest) exercise of course you could knock out a ton of them. You should push yourself on each exercise to the point where you can’t do a single rep more, then move on to the next exercise.***

Exercise 1: Decline Push Ups

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Place your feet on a couch or chair that is 12 inches off the ground. It needs to be about this height. If you have something higher it will make the test harder and if you have something lower it will make the test easier. We need to keep things consistent.
My Score: 40 Reps (Make sure you’re keeping track of yours’ because you’ll be tallying them all together at the end.)
Tip: I did 40 Reps. You should not be stopping on an even number like this if you are pushing yourself to full fatigue. Realistically, I probably could have done 1 or 2 more. During each exercise you’ll probably fatigue on an odd number like 9 or 14, not 10 or 20.

Exercise 2: Wide Push Ups

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After you have finished Decline Push Ups move straight on to Wide Push Ups. This is another exercise that could have variation. The farther you put out your hands the harder it will be. In order to standardize this test find a position with your hands that is 1 and a half times your shoulder width.
In other words, your hands won’t be right under your shoulders like a normal push up and they won’t be expanded all the way out so that your chest is on the ground. They will be somewhere in the middle.
My Score: 17 Reps

Exercise 3: Diver Bombers 

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This is one of my favorite exercises. It works the chest along with the shoulders and triceps. You will keep your hands in a normal push up position and place your feet out wide. Make sure you are getting a full arc both on the forward motion and the backward motion. FYI- Diver Bombers are NOT the same thing as a Hindu Push Up.
My Score: 11 (You can see the numbers dropping. Now its REALLY getting tough!)

Exercise 4: Knuckle Push Ups 

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Knuckle Push Ups are performed just like regular push ups except on your knuckles. Make sure you are getting a full range of motion with each rep.
My Score: 4! (Ugh, its burning!)

Exercise 5: Regular Push Ups

Regular Push Up 1024x332 Think Your Tough? Take The Death by Pushups Test
Regular Push Ups don’t need too much of an explanation. Just make sure you are going full range on these and they should be a cadence of 1 second down and 1 second up.
My Score: 3

Exercise 6: Knee Push Ups 

Knee Push Up 1024x305 Think Your Tough? Take The Death by Pushups Test
The last exercise in the test! Hooyah! By now, you’re chest is shredded. Even a wimpy exercise like Knee Push Ups feel like climbing a mountain.
*IMPORTANT: It is important to use the proper form when doing these exercises. Don’t just get in a “doggy position” and crank them out.
Here’s how to get in to the proper form:
1. Get in a normal push up position.
2. Drop your knees to the floor. Where ever your knees fall that’s where you’ll do the push ups. Don’t try to scoot your knees up closer to your hands. This will make it too easy.
My Score: 7 (Phew! So glad its done!)

How To Find Your Score

Hope you kept track of your reps because you’ll need the numbers now. In order to find out your total score and find out where you stand on the “Death by Pushups” Scale add up all your numbers.
Here were mine again:
Decline Push Ups: 40
Wide Push Ups: 17
Hindu Push Ups: 11
Knuckle Push Ups: 4
Regular Push Ups: 3
Knee Push Ups: 7
Total Score: 82
Go ahead and find your number then put it in the corresponding range below.

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